Public Relations and problem-solving

Public Relations (PR) continuously changes from just taking orders, to actively solving problems for our clients. In the past, PR professionals worked routine tasks aimed at getting the client’s brand everywhere and anywhere possible. However, as competition grows and customers gain more power in the marketplace, the demands placed on PR experts change too. Rather than just providing requests for specific tasks, clients now present problems for PR professionals to solve.

To some, this may seem like a daunting task, but this is exactly what makes public relations the exciting and dynamic field it is today.

Here are a few strategies you will need to consider in solving problems for your clients:

1. What is the objective of your PR effort? What specifically do you want to accomplish? Be able to state this in concrete terms. Think about your messaging for each public.

2. What image of the company do you want to project? Focus on what media you can use to carry these messages.

3. What publics are targeted and why? Consider what response you want from each audience and the best timing for action.

Remember, as the field of Public Relations changes so must your attitude and approach to serving your clients.