You’ve heard this before “always write things down, no matter how phenomenal you think your memory is”, but how much do you actually adhere to this instruction? I’ve seen it so often where people manage to convince themselves that they don’t need to take notes because they will remember what was said. Although they may leave having some recollection of what transpired, what is remembered is not necessarily what is needed. Key points are forgotten. Here are some powerful benefits of writing things down.
Our brains for a full day are not only concerned with a singular task. There will be occasional reminders of things to do at home, matters concerning your family, this random thing you saw or read about, the government and how they are handling a matter, this great business idea you had, among other things. Your memory serves you a mixture of priorities and non-important things. It is your job to sift them and that can be done by writing things down.
It is believed that writing down goals increases the chance of them being achieved as we’re forced to work through inner conflict and emotions. If you leave your mind in the webbed state it brings itself to, you are less likely to be productive. Unorganised tasks lead to stress and mental pressure causing people to feel overwhelmed, thus accomplishing less.
Lastly, If you are an overactive thinker, everything that you’ve ever thought to do plays over and over in your head. They may not be tasks needed to be completed that particular day, but they are things that need to be addressed. Writing these things down will limit the distraction from your daily, more pressing tasks and save yourself from information overload. They will be readily accessible for the moment that you need to work on them.
“Writing things down is a simple yet powerful way to record anything and everything that has your attention - Tet”
There is so much coming at you as a public relations specialist. Whether it is with your client, your boss, a meeting you had to attend, or that phone call, you want to make notes so that you never miss a beat.
Always write things down.